Film as part of Astronomy Week. French spoken.

Following the destruction of their spaceship, young Willy is separated from his parents, with whom he was travelling in space. His escape capsule lands on a wild, unexplored planet. With the help of Buck, a survival robot, he has to hold on until a rescue mission arrives. In the meantime, Willy, Buck and Flash, an alien creature they have befriended, set off to discover the planet, its flora and fauna… and its dangers.


Thursday 8 August 2024 between 5 pm and 6.30 pm.


Cinéma (Amphitéâtre)
Bâtiment le Saphir
38114 Vaujany


Free of charge.


À partir de 6 ans


→ Registration at the welcome drink on sunday evening then at the 04 76 11 11 91 or 04 76 80 78 14 next days, depending on availability.

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