Illustrated and musical astronomy session "La super balade de l'espace" with Gaëlle Almeras, author/illustrator and Régis Riboulet, guitarist. Astronomy session as part of Astronomy Week.

“The super space walk. What better way to talk about astronomy than with an overhead projector?
White light, mirror, magnifying lens, play of light and dark… Gaëlle Alméras, author and illustrator of the album “Le super week-end de l’espace” and former mediator at the Planetarium in Vaulx-en-Velin, is convinced it’s the ideal tool!
Using hand-created tracings and her extensive knowledge of astronomy, she takes you on a tour of the sky, the stars, comets and even the solar system…
In a cosmic musical atmosphere provided by Régis Riboulet, her guitarist companion, you’ll embark alongside the characters from the book: Rat, Castor and Orni to the farthest reaches of the universe!
Topics covered:
Constellations, meteorites, comets, lunar geography, the sun, polar auroras, the solar system, the Milky Way, Laniakea, the Universe and the Big Bang.


Wednesday 7 August 2024 between 5 pm and 6 pm.


Cinéma (Amphitéâtre)
Bâtiment le Saphir
38114 Vaujany


Free of charge.


À partir de 8 ans


Inscriptions obligatoires au 04 76 11 11 91 ou 04 76 80 78 14

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